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Re: MSU Spartans 2015-16. Got a problem with that?
Is this still a thing?
Is this still a thing?
Spartans add Skyler Brind'Amour for 2018. Son of Rod.
(and stop screwin around)
MLive did a FOIA request and got the 2015 NCAA budget report from MSU, posted here http://media.mlive.com/news_impact/other/MSU 2015.pdf for your perusal. The payoff is at the end when they total up revenue vs expenses per sport.
In 2015, MSU made $2,102,029 in ice hockey.
In 2015, MSU spent $3,265,391 on ice hockey.
That's an operating deficit of $1,163,362 for that calendar year.
In comparison, you can also look at all the budget numbers for UM from 2015, posted here http://media.mlive.com/news_impact/other/UMich NCAA FY14-15 Finl Report.worksheets.pdf for your perusal. It's a little harder to fish through it to find the grand total numbers, but here they are.
In 2015, UM made $2,975,157 in ice hockey.
In 2015, UM spent $3,195,977 on ice hockey.
That's an operating deficit of $220,820 for that calendar year. You can see all the categories broken down in tables, from conference dues to coaching salaries to guarantee money paid. A very interesting comparison, and I'd like to see how some other schools compare in the ledgers.
Yes would be interesting to see other schools numbers. Curious, opinions on where those two budgets sit in comparison to all the others? Guessing minimum top quarter.