Alien Code.
I recommend this movie if you like wordy, philosophical, slow, hard science fiction and speculative fiction. There are things about it that are irritating, but for a shoe string budget film it is far better than anybody has a right to expect. Closest comparison is to Pi, but stylistically it owes a lot to every successful thoughtful SF movie or TV show of the last 25 years. It cuts away all the excess and stupidity and triteness of bigger budget movies, but it also loses something in acting (which is college level), directing (of which there is none), and soundtrack (which is better than anything bigger budget but honestly could have just been stripped entirely -- as is the case of almost every bigger budget movie or TV sow not named Succession).
A very good effort and worth seeing what the writer (Michael G. Cooney) does in future. After all, Pi gave us Aronofsky, and though he has never done anything better, he has managed to make mass entertainment that isn't awful.
A minus.