It's fun to argue when you get to make up your own facts; not so much when you are restricted to verified information. Stop here if you have faith that money doesn't matter in sports.
Compare the shared revenue between franchises in the NHL with those in the NFL and MLB. Compare shared revenue between members of DI college hockey conferences and DI college football conferences [Yes, Virginia, they do split up T.V. revenues] Consider the roles of professional hockey player agreements and college hockey conference alignments in the recruitment and tenure of talented college hockey players. Too difficult for you? Then go back to denial, vapid prognostication, poop/snack talk, or inventing your own facts. Enjoy.
Let's see...carry the 1, divide by the remainder, take the limit of the cos....Think about the relationship between peanut sales and goals scored in the 2nd period. Ponder the difference between the angle of the seating and the parallax from the goalie's perspective. Consider whether the height of the rink's ceiling causes changes in the speed of the puck. Compare the width of the tape on the players' sticks to the linear inches of shelf space required for the program's trophies. Cogitate on whether the brightness of the netting creates additional powerplays for the team wearing dark colors. Ask yourself if teams that clutch-and-grab should have taller seats in their benches.
Only then will you truly understand how many angels can dance on a pinhead.
Excellent pun - nicely done. (and the answer is "yes." The only question is how long the lines would be)If Apple sold viles of ballsweat, would the fanboys buy it?
Attention, all snack gobbling, poop-talking, wannabe internet bullies: Do NOT read the "Latest" article on the home page of this site: "College hockey has eyes on, hopes for NHL Collective Bargaining Agreement." No sense in disrupting your self-satisfied ignorance.
I'm going to guess approximately 20 or so people less (average) than the iPhone5.Excellent pun - nicely done. (and the answer is "yes." The only question is how long the lines would be)
Well guess what, there's a news and features section where you can discuss it. There's no reason to create a new threa
d in this forum that will be very easily trolled. Thanks for the clarification. The "Forum" on this site is reserved for posts about what college hockey used to be along with posts about snack foods, excrement, and animated cartoons - because these topics are unlikely to be "trolled," and if they were who would notice or care? Posts discussing the current state of hockey (AKA "news") or considering the future of college hockey ("features?") invite trolling, so such posts should be redirected so as not to upset the peculiar serenity of forum denizens.
FD: Thanks for the clarification. The "Forum" on this site is reserved for posts about what college hockey used to be along with posts about snack foods, excrement, and animated cartoons - because these topics are unlikely to be "trolled," and if they were who would notice or care? Posts discussing the current state of hockey (AKA "news") or considering the future of college hockey ("features?") invite trolling, so such posts should be redirected so as not to upset the peculiar serenity of forum denizens.