The rink is OLD, I want to say it's actually historical in that it may be the oldest still in use indoor rink in the country? Something like that. There is a mural when you first walk in commemorating it.
The sight lines are awful if you sit on the sides of the rink. When I go, I always sit on the end nearest to the entrance. You lose a little bit of the area behind the net but it's probably the "best seat in the house" if there is one. It's neat sitting behind there because you can watch the play develop a lot differently than sitting on the sides.
There are usually very few fans especially when Hamilton has a basketball game as most of the fans go there. The best thing about Hamilton is the game is FREE!! Not sure how many D-III men's programs do that but Hamilton is one of them and that's always a nice added perk to going if you're in the neighborhood.
Not sure on food...don't think I've ever gotten anything from there. It's just a table with candy and soda anyway IIRC...No real concession stand unless you go towards the basketball fieldhouse there way be one that way.
Bunnies...If they show's your typical rich daddy's little girl and paying my 40K+ a year tuition ugg boots and north face wearer