Re: Michigan Tech Offseason Thread
To add on to F2B&G's summary, some other notes from the 5/25 episode:
Mike Hastings will add energy to Mankato, known him for a long time from recruiting in USHL
Mel was in GB for the USHL championship, Hastings was there too
CJ Eick played well, great speed - happy for Mikesh as well, done a great job at GB
CJ can score, more than he has historically
Huge transition, planting seed for 2013-14, long call with head coaches and commisioner for nWCHA, all agreed in principle, 28 league games, work on non-conference
Good discussion with Mich, agreed in principle to some games, Notre Dame, playing in thier tournament and home/home, Maine called, would like home/home
Want a strong non-conference, want to go into hostile environment to get a feel for what it takes
no shortage of games, people were nervous about getting teams to Houghton, so far that's not an issue, will try Duluth, but there are some issues that need to fall in the right place
Sticking with 9 teams, there might be 10 but nothing clsoe, 2013-14 still a long ways away, still working on playoff structure, may play final five, has moved forward in a positive way,
The resch center is still in the mix, Mel talked to them in when he was in GB, the next two years they have women's bball, but long term they're interested
Alaska is back to back weekends, Thanksgiving, Bemidji has done this, Serratore said it was fine, better than two seperate trips
Saw Brett Olson when he was in GB to cheer on Waterloo, he had a couple opportunities last season, he'll wait until after NHL draft and will look for a team to hook up with
Whole team is here for track A, team works out 5 days a week, coach can't watch workouts, but hear they are doing well
This will be a good start, didn't have this last summer, by the time Mel was hired the guys had left.
Scoreboard - money is needed, a couple people have stepped forward with nice donations, Mel is going on a fundraising tour, need upgraded locker room and weight room, just face lifts
Well on our way, have a scoreboard picked out, know the cost but need to raise the money, hopefully get in place by mid year or end of year
Uniforms - all being redesigned, Steve Shields has done a real good job on this, wanted to try and realease a jersey a month
Dirk really likes the whites
Mel will be at NHL combine, looking forward to see Jujhar
Will he end up being a husky? he's committed to the education, mom/dad value the education, don't have to give up anything by going to school
Feel good about it after talking to his parents yesterday, but you never know until he sets foot on campus, major/junior teams are relentless
Mel has a very busy June
Maybe another Mel Pearson show right after the NHL draft