Scrum Bucket
Beer League No-Star
I would love to hear more passion about ASU on the MTU thread .....
LOL!!! I just want to see Powers in another Shawhan headlock postgame. That was epic, WWFCHA!!!
I would love to hear more passion about ASU on the MTU thread .....
greg powers and johnny walker are my two most-favorite persons in college hockey. ...and the detroit lions just won the superbowl.
i was actually at that game... UFC-on-ice i am telling you...
Still dreaming about John Scott as an honorary Tech coach next time we play ASU. Is that wrong?![]()
smart thinking...
hell, suit him up!
"the day that john scott pounded the entire ASU team, coaching staff, bus driver, and fans into a pulp. one handed."
could turn into a holiday around these parts...
Well stomping ASU won't be happening this year as the games vs ASU were dropped from the 2020-21 schedule. Likely to make room for conference games.
LOL!!! I just want to see Powers in another Shawhan headlock postgame. That was epic, WWFCHA!!!
I would love to hear more passion about ASU on the MTU thread .....
That isn't a legitimate excuse. ASU is geographically isolated from every other D1 hockey program. Maybe Denver, Air Force, and CC could even think of busing, but I highly doubt they would. Everyone else has to fly to get there in any reasonable amount of time. ASU plays shoebox that we could fill with our traveling fans. Because capacity is so minuscule, there isn't a financial offset to the travel costs. It is a lose lose situation without some kind of compensation. We lose money traveling there, can't make it up in ticket sales because of the low capacity, and we can only get a small percentage of our fans who want to attend in. Outside of being a winter vacation destination, what does ASU's Hockey program have to offer that makes up for the financial hit to travel out there?
Actually it was ASU assistant coach Alex Hicks that had Tech Coach Joe Shawhan in a headlock. Regardless, I thought it was poor form for both teams to involved in this lack of discipline. Hopefully we get to play Tech again soon as I feel we have a good rivalry going with Tech having lots of good players and amazing history.
Hey, don’t try to confuse my memory of the events with facts!!!!!
Re-write ASU for UAH, swap a great airport for a dinky one, sub a dinky rink for a too-big rink, and sub no fee for a school who paid one ... well?
I'm all for D1 hockey at UAH and for UAH in the CCHA.
Huntsville Airport is not all that dinky, now Jackson TN, that's dinky. Huntsville has two long and wide runways.
I've never been to that airport, and my folks lived there for 15 years.
The KHSV runways are the second-longest east of the Mississippi River (Miami, FL). Apparently you pay by the foot to fly through here. [We are not joining you in the CCHA. Sorry.]