Re: Michigan Tech 2012-13 Preseason Thread: Draft picks, video feeds, and Mel, oh my
I'd like to open a discussion on how Tech can best maximize it's position financially and how can Tech grow it's brand name so as to capitalize on places to grow revenue. So here are some ideas of mine which need refinement, and I'd love to hear what others have to say about this... comments?
Wait, is this like when we talked about the economics of Lichtenstein a while back? I don't think we need to do that anymore because those fools don't post here any more.
On the serious side, one of the idea you proposed I want to touch on is the "remote" game locations. Any time you do a neutral site game / tourney you are saying "Alumni, come buy tickets and pay for this..." You won't get enough of the home rink fans to travel to a remote site to fill the stands so you need to count on the majority of your attendance from the area around the event. Just look at the GLI - Even with three Michigan based teams every year, it now struggles to the point where they want to drop the invite team and make it an all Michigan event to help boost attendance. BC and CC are great teams, but they don't have as many local alumni as Western, LSSU, NMU in the Detroit area. Yes a tourney can be a promotional tool, but no one is signing up for a financial sink hole. Even in hockey crazed Canada, a BC based tourney with four US college would be tough to fill the seats in my opinion.
If you want to market to distant areas, I think the Interweb is the way to go. If Muckalt is going to Kamloops next week, then this weekend set up a video feed of the Tech home game at a local place that HS and Jr aged kids want to be. Some local Tech hockey boosters can set it up. At the commerical breaks you throw up the message "Michigan Tech will be scouting in Kamloops next weekend... Michigan Tech wants you... Ask your coach for more details..." or whatever.
I would like to see the nWCHA do more league wide things that build the bond between the nWCHA teams. Yeah, we hate NMU on game day but it would be cool to have something for fans to attend that can bring fans together when we are not screaming at each other between the whistles. Maybe send an all-star team to Europe again, how about a nWCHA all-star game or skills competition at the league tourney?
The next great idea is out there, someone just needs to think of it and make it happen.
Ryan J