Yuppie Scum
New member
Re: Merrimack College 2017-2018
I’m not sure the Delia departure being late is such a factor in this winless streak. Keep in mind we had 3 scholarship goalies before he departed. I haven’t been able to watch much of the action yet this year but it sounds like a combination of the usual bad puck luck and defensive mistakes from the G outward. It is also been a more challenging early season than typical - no exhibition, then into an improved Colgate and some tough Midwest teams immediately. And kudos to Umass - Fudgie the Whale has done a great job rebuilding that program from joke level to a respectable club.
I’m not sure the Delia departure being late is such a factor in this winless streak. Keep in mind we had 3 scholarship goalies before he departed. I haven’t been able to watch much of the action yet this year but it sounds like a combination of the usual bad puck luck and defensive mistakes from the G outward. It is also been a more challenging early season than typical - no exhibition, then into an improved Colgate and some tough Midwest teams immediately. And kudos to Umass - Fudgie the Whale has done a great job rebuilding that program from joke level to a respectable club.