Re: Maine Off Season 2011
Wish in one hand and poop in the other. No one in their right mind would resign from a 175,000 a year in orono maine. You guys keep saying if he really loved the program he'd resign. He really loves the program and feels he can do the job so why would he resign. He's here for next year at the very minimum and I beleive at least 2 more years no matter what happens.
You're probably right,Wally,but for all the wrong reasons.
You,I,or just about anyone else I kinda-sorta know has some sense of responsibility regarding the quality of work we do,as in we at least meet the minimal expectations of the job in question.
Similarly,most of us would probably feel like we were
stealing,if we were being paid well to fail miserably at our jobs,especially if it was a high-profile gig such as Tim has.Add on that his extension was a gift from an apparently disgruntled lame-duck, and more fuel is on the fire...Four years of futility is a big enough sample for anyone to figure this thing out.Even Tim.
I have very little pride myself,but even if
I were Tim,I'd negotiate a reasonable settlement from UMO (maybe one year's salary),and then get out of the way of any possible progress.I wouldn't want to be remembered as the guy that dragged Maine down to perennial also-ran status.(Some legacy,right?) Furthermore,no one person should be allowed the leeway to destroy Black Bear hockey.
It's as Shawn said about the program(whether he meant it or not):This is for the people of Maine.
And it is.