Absolutely! It could be argued that Maine started the trend.
It does beg some questions......what things are making these programs successful? Great coaching? Talented players? Awesome facilities? Excellent atmospheres and attendance? Location? Quality Academics?
Personally I am at a loss as it concerns college hockey recruiting and winning programs these days. Seems like current success can't be justified by a one-size-fits-all answer. But there is no doubt that college hockey popularity has dwindled across the board over the last decade.
I have a possible explanation, but by no means is it a concrete, just an idea. The biggest draw for college hockey was most likely the atmosphere, which drew in both fans and recruits as it was much more intense and enjoyable than the average NHL game. Now, the atmosphere has tamed significantly, probably due to the rise of cell phones distracting people's attention from the game and thus quieting down the arena and making it less fun. Ticket prices are also a bit high, at least in Hockey East, limiting accessibility to fill the arena. Just a few thoughts, but the dampening of the legendary atmosphere is probably the biggest culprit for the decline in college hockey.