Re: LSSU Lakers 2020 off-season thread
This nightmare we are having is insane .
It's weird. You go to school and learn about some of the heavy hitters: The Black Death, the 1918 Influenza outbreak, etc, but you never think you're going to be living through the same sort of thing.
Even then, with the Black Death, it was largely a sanitary thing, and with the 1918 Spanish Flu, maybe if they had the tech today, some 17+million people wouldn't have died. But here we are in 2020 facing the same sort of pandemic.
Hopefully the state's plants and other facilities around the country and start cranking out testing kits, ventilators, protection gear for the frontline workers, etc sooner rather than later, along with flattening the curve. They've already started human tests on possible vaccines, but it can take a year until any conclusive data can come out of it.
I think we're going to be in for a long year, year and a half easy. Though one study from the UK showed that if we shelter for a month or two at a time, flatten the curve, things can kind of go back to normal for a few months before having to button down the hatches again. That's probably the best scenario we're going to see, unless some major breakthrough happens.
But since this is a Lakers thread, not the Covid-19 thread, without getting into who should be coming in next year, what does is the expectation for the team next year, assuming there is a season?