more than 50% space about comparing frank anzalone and jim roque ... Woaw !
The rest is speculation about what will happen to the lakers ... Without anything being done about it.
Take a step back at your own posts; it looks like the lakers have the fans they deserve, and vice versa.
Most of you are so excited about bashing truth-bla-bla that you don't see that he obviously knows more than you what is going on here and now on the team.
I don't speculate about anzalone_the_2nd or who truth_bla_bla is and why his strong feelings; about the cuts, facts are facts, and posters' reactions probably reveal an underlying identity gap.
If you ask the players, no one will say it was deserved, and they will tell you they don't understand what the coach is doing (btw, the day he filed a claim against a police-linesman, he had been running all over the ice a few minutes before, looking really pathetic. Meantime, i remember a poster saying "jr stood up for his team ...".
If you ask roque about the cuts, he will give you different reasons today and tomorrow, and probably tell you a week later that he never cut anybody.
If the same level of tolerance applied equally to all players, some others would be gone without anything to say about it ... And what about the coach himself.
Many posters say the guys just have to move on and prove themselves somewhere else after being cut.
Aren't we talking about students who also belong to a school ? Those students often could have gone somewhere else before, but only became lssu students because roque had convinced them to come.
Just because a coach is in over his head, it shouldn't allow him to jeopardize kids athletic and academic career.
Granted, some of them may have a hard time spelling their own name or counting their fingers right on the first time, and the lakers hockey is known for giving a "second chance" to players in academic failure. However, in theory at least, student-athlete have a double challenge ... And belonging.
Those posters probably never played at a competitive level, and certainly didn't attend school very long or very seriously.
Comparing different contexts is pointless and doesn't justify the cut. One doesn't always recover by scrapping his academics and get a spot on another team.
Many posters obviously couldn't care less about individuals on the team (whether tey are cut or just don't play), forgetting that the team is formed by individuals sticking together under a consistent leadership (as it was 20 years ago), and the spirit of the team depends a lot on the values the coach show.
Forget about who did it at lssu (as it is basic leadership practice), but someone reminded that twenty years ago the coach brought everybody together (willingly or not), for a common project, and that was a fair contribution to the success.
Today, it is no secret that the hockey department and the administration don't get on well together. Most readers will blame the ad ... Maybe with some reasons. But it is up to the hockey department to seek the administration's support, and the student's involvement, not to develop it's autonomy.
The school understandably endeavours to promote all sports, specially as the hockey is no more what is used to be, while roque seems to attempt to secure his position by turning to undisclosed donors, who concentrate on hockey and are keen on making their investment profitable, like in a business !
It is good to raise money from donors, but shouldn't the coach be paying as much attention to the school and the players' interests as to undisclosed parties.
The factual result is that -at least apparently- lake superior state university and the lakers hockey have grown apart, when they needed to work together to restore a lakers identity including the hockey.
When things go sour (admitting the last 5-6 years where acceptable) and the administration's involvement is required, you get the ambiguous attitude from the administration who may be thrown into the battle with little insight and limited efficiency.
The soul of a team also comes from the school. May be if most students at lssu don't care about the hockey it is because the hockey department and it's supporters don't care enough about the school.
And the looser is ...