This is the kind of response you get when you go against this administration for anything. This doesn't surprise me in the least really and you could ask quite a few parents over the past six years, not just the ones with lazy kids as this person says.
What if it was your kid that got cut for no reason, despite being one of the most talented ones out there, because he wouldn't "play ball" for this coach? There is a "good old boy" network up there, from the college, through to the town, the media, the broadcasters, that will stop at nothing, and when the chips are down, will ask nothing when it comes to this coach and the lack of success, and at times embarrassments on and off the ice.
Look at how you people treat Frank Anzalone and the names you people call him and his family members. This was the man that put your little college and village on the map, won you three national championships, and this is the best you can come up with. It is sad, very very sad and you people should be ashamed of yourself and your blind, loyal allegiance, for whatever crazy reason, to this coach, yet are almost gleeful when things don't go Frank's way. Yet another season of bottom division finishes with this coach is ok, and soon finishing behind Bentley, Grand Valley or whatever other school you will be in a league with.
You people are so predictable.
The Truth Is Out There....