Re: LOST Season 6 -- All Good Things Must Come To An End
The flashsideways weren't happening concurrently, they were some time in the future in some place that i would call heaven. The losties created the "alternate reality" so that they could call be together in the afterlife...
Yeah, that's roughly what I got from it. Some of them died on the island, others got off the island and died at some time long in the future. You can see this from hurley and Ben's conversation; it was obvious that they had spent many years together protecting the island. But the 'flash sideways' was their construct to enable them to find each other and all come together in the afterlife, heaven if you want to call it that.
It's kinda like what I always envisioned heaven, if it should exist, to be, a place where you can be together and see all the most cherished and important people in your life, at the time and age when they were in your life. As Christian said, the mosr important times of Jack's life(and I assume the others) was the time they spent together on the island. They were all flawed and broken people, but the time spent together on that island healed them, fixed them, let them find what they had been searching for or was missing in their lives, made them better people.
A nice enough ending, but seemed light years removed from where this show started from six years ago.
Now, big picture aside, a couple things. The on-island stuff didn't really hold me, seemed kinda anti-climactic after the five years of setup. Weepy sap that I am, the connections being made were the high points for me. Especially Sun and Jin, their scene in the hospital with Juliette was the best, as have been most of their scenes together this season.
Claire is really tiny. Jack's son was bigger than her, and Juliette just towered over her.
When they showed Jack waking up outside the cave, I was certain he was gonna be the new Smoke Monster.
Felt like an hour of show with an hour and a half of commercials. Luckily I was watching my DVR of it, and fast forwarded through that mess.