Re: LOST Season 6 -- All Good Things Must Come To An End
I thought the concert is gonna be Daniel's?
That's what I figure, maybe with guest judge Charlie. But I'm not so sure charlie needs to meet with anyone. He was "ready" first, then Desmond and the other daniel.
I guess I should not have been stunned to see Anna Lucia as the cop, but it was funny how Hurley reacted to her, and she had no idea who he was- and had a very Sawyeresk reply....
The one thing I'm afraid of, since this is turning out to be the exact opposite of the A-team, is that only one of the losties is going to survive. Which kind of sucks, but since the two with the most to loose are already dead (Jin and Sun), I guess it wil happen.
It's also curious about Jacob's reasoning behind the choices of names. James was alone- 100% correct. Jack- once his dad was gone, close enough. Kate- I suppose, but he got her so young. Jin and Sun, though??? They at least had each other at the time of the touch- it wasn't until later that they "separated". And Kate's name was crossed off since she was a "mom", but Jin/Sun didn't get crossed off for the same reason??? At least they were not pretending to be parents. Well- Sun at least.
Nice combination of baptism and communion, eh?
I'm trying to figure the timing of the alternate reality- Locke does go to Jack- but is the intention getting fixed (which I can't see since that will take a long time) or just wanting to get fixed?
Ben the a-hole in one end, now looks to be able to become Alex's dad by getting involved with Danielle. Hmmmm.
I don't get Ben- can't decide between redemption and being bad. What a revengeful SOB.
MIB/fLocke breaks rules by killing Richard. What are the repercussions?
(but I agree that without a body, Richard is probably still alive)
Miles.... where are you?
BTW, the lost marathon- 7-9 is reviews and interviews. The actual show is 9-11:30 (!

), and Kimmel live is midnight. May be late to work on Monday, I suppose.