Without Norwich, Plattsburgh, Oswego, Geneseo, Utica, Hobart, Trinity, I cannot believe it will be a big turnout in Lake Placid.
Without Norwich, Plattsburgh, Oswego, Geneseo, Utica, Hobart, Trinity, I cannot believe it will be a big turnout in Lake Placid.
Is it ever, anywhere..?
But, yeah, I'd expect a low turn-out there yet again.
If this final was on campus, where would it be?
Waterville, ME
Somewhere in RI
Ashwaubenon, WI
Stevens Point, WI
The latter two options would guarantee a full arena for both semifinal games.
The latter two options would guarantee a full arena for both semifinal games.
On the way home from the game Saturday, my daughters and I hatched a plan for how to get to Lake Placid, instead of what we have planned for the weekend.
Since we are going to be on the road Thursday anyway, Daughter #2 said, "Let's just go. Mom will fall asleep in the car. When she wakes up and we're in Ohio, it will be too late to turn around."
Unfortunately, my wife vetoed the plan, noting, "I'd have to pee long before we made it to Ohio."
So, I will not be joining in the fun in person.![]()
Unfortunately, my wife vetoed the plan, noting, "I'd have to pee long before we made it to Ohio."(
Funny! My wife was the one pushing for a trip to Lake Placid on our drive home Saturday, but I had to be the one to veto it.
I'm guessing that the attendance will be fairly abysmal. Colby and Salve don't even draw at home, Point is an outpost (been there, BTW), and Placid is a major haul from Green Bay (been there too).
It's a fun town, but "you can't get there from here" in almost any D-3 context.
I'm actually expecting SNC to bring the most fans. Granted, that's not saying much, but...
I'm actually expecting SNC to bring the most fans. Granted, that's not saying much, but...
Colby and Salve don't even draw at home...