Some Perspective:
As a frequent business traveller, I spent a ton of time on airplanes, and listen to lots of people complaining about late flights, no overhead space. no legroom, surly flight attendants, etc. To me, I am willing to overlook all the complaints and realize that for a few hundred bucks, you can step into an aluminum tube and come out in another city, far far away in a few hours. Jet travel is still something of a MIRACLE to me, and without it, I could not do my job well, nor could I enjoy the lifestyle I have without it, nor the amazing enrichment of global vacation travel that being a frequent domestic flier enables.
USCHO is a lot like jet travel. I, like many old farts, remember the pre-internet days of calling press boxes and radio stations for score updates. TV broadcasts were rare. The NCAA's were shown tape delayed and regionals, not at all. There was no way to ever see out of town newspaper stories. There were newsletters and magazines that came well after the fact. I remember that the best way to meet opposing fans from around the country was at the NCAAs, where you had to make a real in-person effort.
USCHO changed the game. We now have a national game for those who care enough to seek it out beyond their home rink. I've made many friends here, and we all share the common bond of the die-hard fan. So what if the site doesn't load sometimes? It comes back at some point, and we resume our passion. Like the occasional broken airplane, it gets fixed, and eventually we travel on to our destination...USCHO, like the internet and jet travel, is a miracle.