Re: Illegal Immigration Pt. III: It's Illegal to be Illegal? Really?
There haven't been any non-big spenders to vote for in the last few elections, or much further back. If you think so, it's wishful thinking. So one of your fundamental premises is faulty. If you actually talked to someone who is a true fiscal conservative, they'd tell you how incredibly frustrating it is to have few if any choices on a given ballot where the candidate can be counted on to deliver the goods.First, most do understand the difference...but there's absolutely a connection here - voting.
The big point here is that Republicans were voted in in huge numbers in 2004. It wasn't liberals who voted for them, it wasn't independents even so was both so called fiscal and social conservatives and in large numbers. 'Fiscal conservatives' showed in the only way tangible that they really are good with spending if its done by people they like...and often on their stuff. Even coming up on 2006, Bush still had approval of near 40%...again, there aren't enough strictly social conservatives to make up that number. politics is not the same as a fiscal viewpoint...but the most meaningful action that these 'fiscal conservatives' took in the last decade was to put their support in huge numbers behind big spenders using politics.