Stan Lee accused of harassing his nurses.
Sources are lacking and it seems like the old man's not all there any more, but if there's substance behind it, argh.
Are we really comfortable with throwing potentially senile, mentally confused elderly in the same bucket as the other scum? Not saying it is right for someone in that condition to harass or assault someone, but if a person is a good, up-standing person their whole life, and then gets Alzheimer's and grabs a nurse's *** when they don't even know what country they're in...I think I'd rather judge that person on what/who they were when they were completely mentally with-it. Its the same argument as finding severely mentally disturbed people innocent due to insanity. It isn't their fault.
Are we really comfortable with throwing potentially senile, mentally confused elderly in the same bucket as the other scum? Not saying it is right for someone in that condition to harass or assault someone, but if a person is a good, up-standing person their whole life, and then gets Alzheimer's and grabs a nurse's *** when they don't even know what country they're in...I think I'd rather judge that person on what/who they were when they were completely mentally with-it. Its the same argument as finding severely mentally disturbed people innocent due to insanity. It isn't their fault.
The fact that this is being reported is a black eye on the facility caring for him.
From a conversation I had with an adult care professional while my mom was suffering through Alzheimer's, that's a somewhat common thing to have happen in nursing homes and adult daycare centers. The fact that this is being reported is a black eye on the facility caring for him.
I have not one but two separate medical findings that my mother is unable to manage activities of daily living and should have her MPOA and POA activated. (They have been; tag, I'm it.)
Once someone is in that state, they are not in control of their faculties. They've been deemed incompetent. As such, as someone said, they are not responsible.
And as someone else said, "The fact that this is being reported is a black eye on the facility ..."
All that said, if Stan Lee has been diagnosed with dementia, his POA should be suing some folks for libel/slander.
Just a small quibble. Capacity is determined by the medical field. Competence is determined by the courts.
Yeah the Aziz and James Franco stories just dont sit right with me. I mean I guess you could say they were d-bags a bit but nothing I have read on either tells me they deserve to be burned at the stake like Pitchfork Nation is currently doing. I am a 100% supporter of the #MeToo movement until they reach the point where they are just looking to destroy anyone they deem to be a pig. All you do is tarnish the movement if you do that.
And dont get me wrong, the guys are acting like jerks but they dont deserve to have their careers destroyed over it. If the threshold now is "I was dating a guy and he kept trying to get me to give him a BJ" then every teenage boy might as well just go celibate or risk destroying their life. (unless he was forceful then that is different)
Here's a surpriseScott Baio
I've always heard he was just a bad date with a big....well......