Re: Hockey East is Ruining a Really Good thing
How about this for a really radical idea. Just take the champ. You know, the team with the best record in the regular season. Or if you split into 2 divisions, the best team in the East vs the winner of the west. How about that for a radical idea? You actually have to win the league to go on to play for the national title. I know, nobody would ever go for that. they've already ordered the participation ribbons.I agree. I don't understand the point of the regular season if you don't eliminate a few teams from post-season play. At the end of the regular season this year there will be only four teams eliminated from becoming the national champ: Penn State, Huntsville, and two teams from Hockey East. That's it. In my opinion, a twelve-team league should only take six or eight teams to their tourney, a six-team league should only take four. I get why they do it - it's all about the Benjamins. People say that eliminating teams isn't fair to them. I say not eliminating teams isn't fair to those that have done well enough to deserve to go on.