Ralph Baer
Let's Go 'Tute!

Special "team" surprise in store for Freakout!!!!!
What, we're going to win under Appert for once?
You guys won't have any trouble beating us this weekend. We're down to club players on D and short a couple of forwards up front. We've got nothing left.
Now that's funny **it right there, I don't care who you are!!! Red Cloud might even find that amusing!!!
Do you have this belief that I do not find things amusing?
This weekend really could be a mjor turning point for us this season. We are a vastly different team than the one that played at Harvard earlier this season. We have to take them seriously and we have to score enough so they cannot hang around late in the game when one call made by an official can affect the outcome. Dartmouth is a different can of worms. We did not match up well with them the last time and we will have to play a much different game. We need a successful weekend to get the trend going for the final 10 games. Go Red!!
We can't take anyone for granted. Even if Harvard is playing undermaned, we have to give it our full attention and put them away early. Don't leave anything to chance.
As for Dartmouth, I don't think we can take anything from that game, as Appert was sending the team a message and it probably cost us any chance of matching up with them.
We still have to find a way to score more than two goals a game.
Appert sent the message in the Harvard game. We played like scheiße against Dartmouth.