Re: HARVARD CRIMSON 2010-2011 - A New Beginning
Great post. Teddy is a great guy and a very good family man. I don't think there are any questions about him as a person. But clearly he has lost the team although they have to man up and shoulder some of the blame because their effort, focus and attention are just not there. I don't know who out there can turn this around. Names that have been kicked around include Leaman and Sneddon because of previous ties to Harvard. It's all speculation at this point. This should be a very interesting off season. Teddy doesn't strike me as a quitter so I can't see him resigning but who knows? Maybe he will realize that coaching is not for him and start a new career.
Gotta be a bad situation with the team right now. When things don't go well for young players who are used to considering themselves stars, it's the rare one who takes the responsibility, or the initiative, to make things better. The usual path is to join a few other players who aren't used to a little adversity, and blame the coach for their trouble. And these kids are smart enough, and confident enough, to convince themselves that no matter what the coach says, it's useless, and won't work. Regardless of what merit the players' opinions might have, if they have indeed rejected the coach, it's probably time for a change, because you can't replace all of them.
Coaching in the Ivy League is the toughest assignment in college sports- something Bill Fitzsimmons, who has served on plenty of coach search committees, will tell anyone. Once the kids, who are smart and prone to making sport out of scrutinizing authority figure, decide against you, there's trouble. (And plenty of the folks who are reading will have no trouble coming up with examples of this occurring in their college days- woe to the tubby coach with the limited vocab...)
I hope I'm wrong on this. The coach is a personable man, from a great family, and is a good family man himself. Maybe these players don't deserve him, and maybe they'd be better off if they had the character he had as a player. But it looks like whatever connections need to be made to score goals and win hockey games aren't being made. It's really too bad....
Great post. Teddy is a great guy and a very good family man. I don't think there are any questions about him as a person. But clearly he has lost the team although they have to man up and shoulder some of the blame because their effort, focus and attention are just not there. I don't know who out there can turn this around. Names that have been kicked around include Leaman and Sneddon because of previous ties to Harvard. It's all speculation at this point. This should be a very interesting off season. Teddy doesn't strike me as a quitter so I can't see him resigning but who knows? Maybe he will realize that coaching is not for him and start a new career.