Ya, voters never get anything wrong. Ever. So there has never been a time where you disagreed on Hobey Hat Trick or winner? You just regurgitate "well the voters thought differently"? It's still not a hot take to suggest Hutson over Knies.
No, I don't always agree with the voters. Just am not swayed by some lone nobody blowhard online unwilling to back up their opinion with any substance.
When I do disagree with voters I present a substantive argument proving why I'm right and they are wrong. OR I keep my opinions to myself. I rarely lose arguments. Because I resist arguing about things I'm not very well informed about. Very few people I run across are well informed about anything and when they are, they are biased/narrow minded from some form of brainwashing and/or indoctrination. A father who preached the greatness of their favorite team to their child maybe? A child who was neglected and so constantly demands attention? A child who was coddled by a doting mother who was taught they are the center of the universe maybe?
I'd say you have some issues. Good luck!
No more bc fans coming in here screaming about knies doesn’t deserve it, blah blah blah?
our freshman defenseman had a hell of a game. Way to go, Luke
LOL. Last night's game doesn't change anything in regard to the Hobey argument. Congrats on the W though.