Is it all in German and subtittled?For the record, the clip this is from ("Downfall") is an AMAZING movie.
For the record, the clip this is from ("Downfall") is an AMAZING movie.
Is it all in German and subtittled?
Have you seen, "Conspiracy"? Also amazing.
I like to watch in the German language since my wife would get it better. It sucks to have to read though.Yes. Still worth it. Bruno Ganz (who plays Hitler) is awesome. It's based mainly on "Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary", also in German, that is a documentary. Interview with one of Hitler's secretaries, Trudl Junge, and it's about 90 minutes long. It'll astound you, disgust you, amaze you, and intrigue you. I highly recommend both (ahem, Netflix for the documentary)
Slappy: I'm gonna dial it up on my queue now.
I like to watch in the German language since my wife would get it better. It sucks to have to read though.
I will have to look this up. I don't mind reading sober.You get used to it, really quickly. I don't even notice it anymore, it's natural to read and still catch everything now.
I will have to look this up. I don't mind reading sober.