SB in the 'Seo
How 'bout a Fresca?
This thread can go the more traditional "off-season thread route", but first I need to say a few things.
After last night's game I went out to the bars in Geneseo. I was confronted by someone associated with Geneseo's hockey team (not going to give a name of course) and was told that some of the things that Josh Carey and I have said on the message boards since the news of the sanctions were "disrespectful." I must emphasize that this confrontation was not aggressive or violent in anyway if anyone is starting to get that picture in their mind. The person who approached me was very calm and articulate about their feelings. I asked for an example of the "disrespectful" comments. I was told "just read what you wrote." When I pushed for an example they said "it may not have been you - but you agreed with stuff Josh said that was disrespectful." Again, no specific examples. After a few minutes of talking I smoothed things over and we had a nice conversation. It seems that my issues stem from maybe agreeing on things that I didn't necessarily agree with so I'm going to make my opinions on various GSU hockey issues crystal clear and offer a formal apology.
The Sanctions - I do not blame anyone associated with the Geneseo hockey for the sanctions. This includes players, coaches, training staff, athletic department admins, fans, pep band, etc. If there is anyone(s) to blame it is those in charge of marketing Geneseo. Norm posted a link a few weeks showing that Geneseo is considered one of the elite public institutions in this country. However, our name isn't that well known outside of NY. The fact that one of the best schools in the country isn't able to attract (non hockey playing) students from about 2 hours away shows that we need new hype men.
The players - At one point during the conversation phrase "you hate the players" was thrown at me. I actually kind of laughed it was so ridiculous then I was told "No, you just hate the Canadian players." I almost don't want to dignify that with a response, but I'll do it just to make sure everything is 100% clear. I do not hate any of Geneseo's hockey players. Whether they are Canadian, American, or Japanese they are all top notch student athletes. They did nothing wrong. My posts that referenced the Canadian players were only to inform the forum viewers who would be affected by the new rulings. I hope that all of the Canadian players return to Geneseo next year whether or not they are able to play hockey. I believe that the way they have played the last few weeks shows the true character of the guys. The way the team has bonded and played the last few weeks all I can say is has been a treat to watch. I can honestly say I have never been more pround of a team as I was of this year's Ice Knights and that includes the SUNYAC championship team my Freshman year.
I would also like to give a special shout out to the seniors. They have meant a lot to the program for the last 4 years and I wish them all the best in their future pursuits.
The Coaches - I know Schultz has taken some shots on the boards. I have probably thrown a few out there myself (I can't recall any, but maybe there were times I should have defended him when other people did). I do want to officially put it on the record that I think he is a good hockey coach and a good leader of young men. I am completely behind him leading the Ice Knights into the future. He is the right man for the job. As a side note, yesterday's timeout when Oswego was up 1-0 was probably the best timeout I've seen in a college hockey game. Not only the timing of it, but obviously whatever adjustments were made worked as Geneseo went on to score 3 unanswered. As a team no one cares more about the success of Geneseo hockey than Chris Schultz and Kris Heeres.
Radio - Just a quick shout out to this years radio team. Brandon and Kelly. Great job!
My role - It seems this whole confrontation came from a misunderstanding of my role. First off, for those who don't know my name is Steve Bennett and I was Geneseo's color commentator last year. Josh did the PBP. During the conversation I was told I shouldn't be "saying those things because the guys consider you a part of the team." I did a double take. I didn't think that was my role now or ever, but the person who approached me was a little surprised I didn't think of myself as part of the team. Honestly, I'm happy I'm thought of this way by the Ice Knights but I don't know if that's really the healthiest relationship. When I was covering the team I had to be as neutral as possible to accurately report for the listeners. Now that I don't have that association with the team I can be a bit more of a biased fan, but that's not really my nature. I'm just a call 'em as I see 'em kind of guy. I'll take it into consideration though and next year possibly post as "a part of the team," but no promises.
So I guess that was the essence of our disagreement. I don't think I made any posts that were disrespectful coming from a person "neutrally reporting of information," but if I really am considered "part of the team" - yeh I guess you wouldn't want your teammates making any comments about the sanctions at all.
So I do apologize to anyone involved in Geneseo hockey who was offended by anything I said. Anyone who knows me knows I would never want to thrown them under the bus.
(should I go hug Tiger Wood's Mom now?)
After last night's game I went out to the bars in Geneseo. I was confronted by someone associated with Geneseo's hockey team (not going to give a name of course) and was told that some of the things that Josh Carey and I have said on the message boards since the news of the sanctions were "disrespectful." I must emphasize that this confrontation was not aggressive or violent in anyway if anyone is starting to get that picture in their mind. The person who approached me was very calm and articulate about their feelings. I asked for an example of the "disrespectful" comments. I was told "just read what you wrote." When I pushed for an example they said "it may not have been you - but you agreed with stuff Josh said that was disrespectful." Again, no specific examples. After a few minutes of talking I smoothed things over and we had a nice conversation. It seems that my issues stem from maybe agreeing on things that I didn't necessarily agree with so I'm going to make my opinions on various GSU hockey issues crystal clear and offer a formal apology.
The Sanctions - I do not blame anyone associated with the Geneseo hockey for the sanctions. This includes players, coaches, training staff, athletic department admins, fans, pep band, etc. If there is anyone(s) to blame it is those in charge of marketing Geneseo. Norm posted a link a few weeks showing that Geneseo is considered one of the elite public institutions in this country. However, our name isn't that well known outside of NY. The fact that one of the best schools in the country isn't able to attract (non hockey playing) students from about 2 hours away shows that we need new hype men.
The players - At one point during the conversation phrase "you hate the players" was thrown at me. I actually kind of laughed it was so ridiculous then I was told "No, you just hate the Canadian players." I almost don't want to dignify that with a response, but I'll do it just to make sure everything is 100% clear. I do not hate any of Geneseo's hockey players. Whether they are Canadian, American, or Japanese they are all top notch student athletes. They did nothing wrong. My posts that referenced the Canadian players were only to inform the forum viewers who would be affected by the new rulings. I hope that all of the Canadian players return to Geneseo next year whether or not they are able to play hockey. I believe that the way they have played the last few weeks shows the true character of the guys. The way the team has bonded and played the last few weeks all I can say is has been a treat to watch. I can honestly say I have never been more pround of a team as I was of this year's Ice Knights and that includes the SUNYAC championship team my Freshman year.
I would also like to give a special shout out to the seniors. They have meant a lot to the program for the last 4 years and I wish them all the best in their future pursuits.
The Coaches - I know Schultz has taken some shots on the boards. I have probably thrown a few out there myself (I can't recall any, but maybe there were times I should have defended him when other people did). I do want to officially put it on the record that I think he is a good hockey coach and a good leader of young men. I am completely behind him leading the Ice Knights into the future. He is the right man for the job. As a side note, yesterday's timeout when Oswego was up 1-0 was probably the best timeout I've seen in a college hockey game. Not only the timing of it, but obviously whatever adjustments were made worked as Geneseo went on to score 3 unanswered. As a team no one cares more about the success of Geneseo hockey than Chris Schultz and Kris Heeres.
Radio - Just a quick shout out to this years radio team. Brandon and Kelly. Great job!
My role - It seems this whole confrontation came from a misunderstanding of my role. First off, for those who don't know my name is Steve Bennett and I was Geneseo's color commentator last year. Josh did the PBP. During the conversation I was told I shouldn't be "saying those things because the guys consider you a part of the team." I did a double take. I didn't think that was my role now or ever, but the person who approached me was a little surprised I didn't think of myself as part of the team. Honestly, I'm happy I'm thought of this way by the Ice Knights but I don't know if that's really the healthiest relationship. When I was covering the team I had to be as neutral as possible to accurately report for the listeners. Now that I don't have that association with the team I can be a bit more of a biased fan, but that's not really my nature. I'm just a call 'em as I see 'em kind of guy. I'll take it into consideration though and next year possibly post as "a part of the team," but no promises.
So I guess that was the essence of our disagreement. I don't think I made any posts that were disrespectful coming from a person "neutrally reporting of information," but if I really am considered "part of the team" - yeh I guess you wouldn't want your teammates making any comments about the sanctions at all.
So I do apologize to anyone involved in Geneseo hockey who was offended by anything I said. Anyone who knows me knows I would never want to thrown them under the bus.
(should I go hug Tiger Wood's Mom now?)
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