First off, why are people condemning you for mentioning you could go for a drink, but are successfully resisting the urge? Second of all, why are those people still in your life?
AA varies from group to group, but there are absolutely people it does not work for. IMO, it is not a good option for committed atheists (me), people who are skeptical of the disease/allergy model of addiction (also me), people who aren't comfortable with telling their sins to a confessor (4th step inventory with your sponsor), and people who straight up dislike the label 'alcoholic' (also me - I am not an 'icky' person!).
It's obviously a bad time to be looking for in-person meetings. If you want to try AA, I would look for an online meeting that is specific to LGBTQ+ people.
SMART and LifeRing are also a good secular alternatives to try, and have had meetings available online long before AA ever did.