I am garden geeking the heck out of this spring. I moved at the end of last summer, and pulled up a lot of stuff that I found (like MINT, who plants effing MINT fer chrissakes that stuff is ridiculous. Don't plant mint anywhere except a pot, people, and probably not even then).
I found out the previous owners, in addition to the effing mint, also had blackberries and red currants, which I am glad to keep. In the process of creating some new garden beds for black raspberries, raspberries and blueberries. I have an herb garden to fill, a bunch of beds for annuals and perennials, and a raised garden. And my yard actually gets SUN. Already planted a magnolia shrub, blueberries, dwarf lilac and a peach tree. I removed a sandbox and a playset, so I am growing grass to cover up those spots. Really excited to see how everything looks in a few months.