Deer have snacked on the Hosta growing along my basement walls. What was about 15 ft of nice ground cover is now just stems. The over population of deer around here is unreal. Brown tails eating all the leaves off the oaks a few years back has dried up the acorns that deer eat. I’ve watched them eat leaves out of one of my brush piles. The state in there infinite wisdom won’t issue any deer permits for this area.
This is the first time in my adult life I've had to worry about deer eating my stuff. We don't have a ton of them, but I've seen them in the non-fenced area of my yard (where the raised bed is).
Something ate my only ripe blueberry. I got bag things to put over the fruit plants. Repels All doesn't seem to do the trick (or I don't refresh it enough).
My next project is this for the raised bed -