What year did the lottery actually start? I ask because when the NCAA announced the Priority Point System they arbitrarily set year 1 as 1997 (because, IIRC, that was the earliest year they had verifiable records), meaning the Highest Priority Number for applicants *already on record with the NCAA* = 16 as of the 2012 FF. I believe the lottery was announced ca. 2000, meaning the Highest Priority Number for first time applicants *as of the lottery announcement* would be 12 or 13 - is that right?
I'm guessing that the largest cohort of ticket applicants has this Priority Number, comprised of everyone like me who jumped into the lottery the first year it was offered and have faithfully requested tix each subsequent year (well, except perhaps for the FFFF debacle). The fortunate few with higher numbers - who'll have first choice of seat location - shouldn't have too much early competition, but that should ramp up considerably once tix are released to Priority Number 12/13. That should set the NCAA servers humming ...