Re: For ECAC Fans: Where Should Our Tournament Be Held?
I vote for MSG, Providence, Springfield, and Albany, in that order. I would put TD Garden first if hockey east wasn't having a tournament there already on the same weekend.
The reason TD Garden comes close to selling out for hockey east is that most years there is at least one Boston-area school playing (and two more often than not). Also, hockey east schools are very tightly packed around Boston (I think Maine has the longest trip, but their fans travel well regardless), with a lot of these schools having large alumni bases in the city (to augment the student sections).
ECAC is at a disadvantage, as we have smaller, further-flung schools. I don't think we should focus on the locals, I think that we've got to rely more on alumni making the trip. That's why I think MSG might work (if we can get the building). It's national stage, it's glitzy, it's cool, it's a destination in itself, and it sets us apart and puts us on the same level as WCHA, CCHA, and Hockey East. I think that there will be plenty of alums of the schools that are involved that live in/near NYC that would want to go to the tournament if only to see their team in The Madison Square Garden. Students might make the trip too...
I put Providence second because of the number of alums from all of our schools that live in Boston and environs. It doesn't have the appeal of NYC and MSG, but, as kdiff mentioned, it's been thoroughly revitalized in the recent year. Also, the Federal Hill is awesome: imagine Boston's North End, but with better yet cheaper Italian food and readily available parking.
Springfield and Albany are on the list because of centrality.
Those are my two cents re: future locations. Now, I went to tourney in AC this past weekend and here are few thoughts:
1) Someone mentioned that Hockey East has $10 tickets for students and we didn't have student pricing. We actually did, you just had to ask at the box office. I got a $16 ticket for each session with my grad school ID.
2) Just want to re-iterate what someone said: ice was crap. Kinda embarrassing.
3) Dartmouth had a reception in a ballroom inside the arena before the semifinal. Free fingerfood and cash beer ($12 for a 24oz can, which is decent price inside the arena). Dunno if other schools did the reception, though I think I saw Yale at the same place before final.
4) Commercial breaks were brutal, but probably because I am not used to them, watching Dartmouth and UMass hockey live a lot.
5) Free parking at the Trump was nice.
6) I was able to leave and come back inside between the Saturday games: talked to the security person at the entrance and they stamped my hand, which gave me a right to come back in. Ate at the mall on the boardwalk.
7) The workers there were very friendly and tried to be as helpful as they could. See #6. Also, I accidentally dropped an item near my seat on Saturday and realized that when I got to my car. Ran back, and even though they were closed, a security person walked me to where I was sitting so that I could retrieve what I dropped.
8) It's way too far... been already mentioned on here.
That's about all I can think of for now...