We'll be back.
Let's try this again, since apparently I cannot spell my alma mater's name properly.
Hi there. It's been quite the summer. But it's time again.
Again, as the years go by, I get farther and farther away from the team and the program. I guess living 200 miles away and having a Division III team in my neighborhood (literally) will do that. I don't have a lot to talk about as it relates to this year's team, as I'm watching less and less Ferris hockey of the years, for reasons listed above. I will say this. The losses of Zach Redmond and Scott Wietecha, along with Pat Nagle between the pipes, cannot be understated. Gentlemen, it was a pleasure watching you all play for four years.
I don't know much about the incoming freshmen, or who is replacing the two departed defensemen, but I know that with Taylor Nelson between the pipes, at least we're in good hands there. He's not Pat Nagle, but he's not going to hurt us any, either.
Now, for the two big elephants in the room. First, the impending move to the WCHA. It is my opinion (and only my opinion) that this was a program-saver. Full props to Mr. Weisenburger for taking the necessary steps to do everything to preserve our program. We were not going to be able to draw sufficiently to keep the program afloat, given the teams rumored to be joining the CCHA, if we had chosen that direction. Now we have no excuses. This is it. If we can't make it in the WCHA, we're not going to make it. This is the best-case scenario in front of us.
Regarding the other issue that I'm going to address. As an alum, and a former prominent member of the student section during some pretty bad years of hockey, I find it deplorable that the University has been trying to censor the student section in the manner they have. It is having a direct effect on the student section attendance, and down the road, a larger direct effect on the interest in the program, mainly in the terms of alumni donations (ahem). I heard the AD's interview during the WMU series, and he thought the WMU students were a bit profane. Ummmm...are you serious? If that's your idea of an obscene student section, perhaps you are better suited to be an athletic director at a southern bible college.
It's not just about students saying (insert the 4-letter bomb of your choice here. God knows I did when I was there). It's about the concept of the University trying to control what 18-to-22 year old students are saying, for absolutely no good reason. In times like these you need to encourage the students to attend, not give them a reason to stay away. If students are on eggshells because they might get tossed for saying something even remotely borderline, they'll just stay away in the process, and take their much-needed entertainment dollars, and later donations to the hockey program, with them. Much like you made the correct decision to move away from 5 PM Saturday games, and what I believe to be the correct move to the WCHA, you need to make the correct decision here as well.
Let the season begin.
Hi there. It's been quite the summer. But it's time again.
Again, as the years go by, I get farther and farther away from the team and the program. I guess living 200 miles away and having a Division III team in my neighborhood (literally) will do that. I don't have a lot to talk about as it relates to this year's team, as I'm watching less and less Ferris hockey of the years, for reasons listed above. I will say this. The losses of Zach Redmond and Scott Wietecha, along with Pat Nagle between the pipes, cannot be understated. Gentlemen, it was a pleasure watching you all play for four years.
I don't know much about the incoming freshmen, or who is replacing the two departed defensemen, but I know that with Taylor Nelson between the pipes, at least we're in good hands there. He's not Pat Nagle, but he's not going to hurt us any, either.
Now, for the two big elephants in the room. First, the impending move to the WCHA. It is my opinion (and only my opinion) that this was a program-saver. Full props to Mr. Weisenburger for taking the necessary steps to do everything to preserve our program. We were not going to be able to draw sufficiently to keep the program afloat, given the teams rumored to be joining the CCHA, if we had chosen that direction. Now we have no excuses. This is it. If we can't make it in the WCHA, we're not going to make it. This is the best-case scenario in front of us.
Regarding the other issue that I'm going to address. As an alum, and a former prominent member of the student section during some pretty bad years of hockey, I find it deplorable that the University has been trying to censor the student section in the manner they have. It is having a direct effect on the student section attendance, and down the road, a larger direct effect on the interest in the program, mainly in the terms of alumni donations (ahem). I heard the AD's interview during the WMU series, and he thought the WMU students were a bit profane. Ummmm...are you serious? If that's your idea of an obscene student section, perhaps you are better suited to be an athletic director at a southern bible college.
It's not just about students saying (insert the 4-letter bomb of your choice here. God knows I did when I was there). It's about the concept of the University trying to control what 18-to-22 year old students are saying, for absolutely no good reason. In times like these you need to encourage the students to attend, not give them a reason to stay away. If students are on eggshells because they might get tossed for saying something even remotely borderline, they'll just stay away in the process, and take their much-needed entertainment dollars, and later donations to the hockey program, with them. Much like you made the correct decision to move away from 5 PM Saturday games, and what I believe to be the correct move to the WCHA, you need to make the correct decision here as well.
Let the season begin.
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