Re: Diet and Exercise 2010: Whatever it takes
Running update- I'm entering another low mileage week, only 25 miles this week, which is good since it's also Frozen Four Week. And I'm planning on skipping my run on Saturday so I can play hockey...
Anyway, my June goal is to run the Dexter Ann Arbor Half Marathon in under 2:00, which is 9:10 pace. For some reason, I let myself run yesterday (Saturday) and I did 10 miles at 8:57!!!
I'm pretty optimistic to make my gaol, now!
My longer term goal is to maintain that pace for double the mileage in October. I'm pretty hopeful about that, since last year's goal was the same (abit a lit "eaisier") when I wanted to double my 10k distance and maintain pace, and the end result was about 20seconds a mile faster.
The hard part now is IF (and that's a HUGE IF) I want to realisitcally make Boston, I have to do it reasonably soon, but I don't think 3:20 is realistic in the next 2 years. So 3:30 when I'm 45-50 is the "goal" aka 8:00 miles.
Marathon one is survivial. Marathon two is a realistic assesment of that goal. If two isn't that close, I'll stick with my long term plan of being able to run a half Marathon whenever I feel like it, especially on a trip.
Enough of my rambling.