I think he is dangerous. I am a pessimist and cynic by nature. When he got the nomination I said things would go bad because he would do everything he has done. I was dressed down by everyone I know because of how dark I said things would get under him. People I know still cant believe it because I was lowering expectations so we could look back and say "well at least he didnt do THAT" but he actually went farther than I thought he would until his second term.
And I dont think he is dangerous because he is rich, or a Republican, or a Narcissist...I think he is dangerous because history tells us what is coming next. I know you want to believe this is stuff that can be fixed easily, or that it isnt so horrible it cant be reversed (my dad sounds a LOT like you...of course he also believes the GOP will stop him if he goes much farther...he smokes a lot of weed
) but history is not on your side here. As someone who is a student of history, had a license to teach it and continues to study it the truth is November is the rubicon. If he wins again there is no going back. No white knights will save us. If he and his party are this bad when their butts are on the line what will they do when they literally cannot be stopped?
Now this is where an older person than I will say "they wont touch entitlements and they wont touch Roe v. Wade" because over the decades it has always been all bluster. Even Dubya knew enough about the game to push the line as far as possible but never go too far that you put the party at risk. If Trump wins again and the Senate stays with him he will be untouchable and so will they. They will stack the judicial deck so deep it will take 3 decades to fix it. (and god forbid RBG dies we might as well quit) Nothing out of the House will get passed so the people will be screwed over as well. And it will be 50/50 he decides to leave after his second term (he and his Nazis will use FDR as an example ignoring the Constitution) and even if he does he will push for one of his spawns to run and they will walk away with it cause the game will be rigged.
So call me hyperbolic, call me Chicken Little if it makes you feel better...but Republics fall for a reason and all it takes is reading a little bit to see the point of no return after the fact. We are lucky we see it right now, and if we dont stop it we have no one to blame for it but ourselves.