Lucia Apologist
sorry. Didn't realize you were reacting to that. Didn't figure anyone here but Joe would have been particularly broken up about that. (More a reflection of me than anything I suppose)Desmond Tutu passed.
sorry. Didn't realize you were reacting to that. Didn't figure anyone here but Joe would have been particularly broken up about that. (More a reflection of me than anything I suppose)Desmond Tutu passed.
sorry. Didn't realize you were reacting to that. Didn't figure anyone here but Joe would have been particularly broken up about that. (More a reflection of me than anything I suppose)
John Madden, 85
Harry Reid, 82
As to Madden, the reports say "unexpectedly".
John Madden, 85
Sad, about four days ago I thought of him out of the blue and thought he was already dead. I must have been thinking of summerall
If you were over 75 and died of natural causes, then your death is not "unexpected".
Between that and the woman who blamed his video game on the rise of CTE, I am extremely impressed not just at the ability to find something to demean the man, but the stretch that needed to happen to do it.
Now that guy just tweeted about how America isn’t ready for “Critical Sports Studies” and I would like to think it’s a troll at this point, but pretty sure he’s serious.
was that emptywheel? She's usually pretty good as a follow, a complete hot mess on this topic.
Especially when people showed plenty of clips of madden in 1993 (93!!!!!!!!) saying football players should be taken out of the game if they have a concussion. He knew how bad they were back then and the game introduced concussion protocols into it to make sure people were aware of the impacts and risks. Even without all of that, it's an argument to be made another day.