This is actually relevant to things that were being discussed earlier, but it is also raw information in it's own right:
The CDC has determined that the 95% confidence interval for the r0 value of COVID-19 is 3.8 - 8.9, with a median value of 5.7. LINK
I believe even the lower bound of 3.8 is higher than what was previously thought.
Those numbers I posted are simply facts. It's odd that you've taken such a confrontational tone toward them.
I think I was clear on why I posted them. I even said they weren't intended to diminish what's going on with Covid-19. I really do think people are completely unaware of how deadly the flu is every year. I think if they were aware, there might be slightly less of the overwrought reaction we're seeing now.
I'd also point out something else related to those numbers. If we social distanced, closed schools, and shut down business during every flu season, October to March of every year, we would save thousands of lives; literally thousands of lives every year. That too is simply a fact. But we don't do it. Why?
There is a thread for posting opinions. This is a thread for posting resources.
Only on this thread, in this forum, would a data-driven graph be considered "opinion".
Thanks for the amazing insight, Karen ...
Only on this thread, in this forum, would a data-driven graph be considered "opinion".
Thanks for the amazing insight, Karen ...
Ignoring the unnecessary ad hominem, I'm not sure what planet you're on that you can look at that chart and not see an upward trajectory.
Yes, good point. Down by over 50% over the last three days is definitely an "upward trajectory".
I'm here on Earth with two feet on terra firma. I'm guessing your head is planted in Uranus.
I’m creating my own competition here, but you only live thrice, so...
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