Atlantic Puck
Registered User
Re: CHA Thoughts and Predictions '09-'10
Have corrected
Have corrected

You know the movie "Rounders"? I always wondered how Michael Rispoli's character got the name "Grama". And I guess I still don't know, but if a certain USCHO poster winds up with a similar moniker, I'll be able to hazard a guess. RFAlph, Lewis ... the world of USCHO is full of nicknames born of typos.It's OnMAA, not OMAA. (OnMAA is an acronym, OMAA means GrandMother in several languages, and I'm certainly not a grandmother !).
I think 'Zamboni was 2-4, having correctly predicted the MC win over MSU as well as Syracuse topping Cornell.Results for the week ...
MICZamboni 1 5 32 36 47.1%
I think 'Zamboni was 2-4, having correctly predicted the MC win over MSU as well as Syracuse topping Cornell.