rock and roller
I was making a joke, like in shatting themselves.
Leave The Shat out of this. He's an old dude. And he's got sleep apnea.
I was making a joke, like in shatting themselves.
Well, more likely to be hanging from a street light at this rate...
The problem with that lawsuit is exhibited as you read paragraph 2.
2. Robinhood purposefully, willfully, and knowingly removing the stock “GME” from its trading platform in the midst of an unprecedented stock rise thereby deprived retail investors of the ability to invest in the open-market and manipulating the open-market.
The fact that investors can't buy GME through Robinhood doesn't deprive retail investors from investing in GME. It simply deprives them of investing in GME through Robinhood.
Except Robinhood is holding their money so that is not exactly true. Maybe if Robinhood would transfer out your money in real time but I would assume if you pull all your accounts and liquidate you will pay fees and it could take hours if not days to get out what you have in there even if it is just cash in an EFT.
Bloomberg has a blonde who is not on the same page as the rest of the criminals, or it's her schtick not to be anyway. She was just roasting the hedge dudes yesterday saying in effect "you love this sh-t when it's your buddies but suddenly it's dangerous because it's you losing." The Masters of the Universe did not care for being treated that way. The media are supposed to be their stenographers.
In general what I have learned over the last few days is Bidness News fellates Wall Street even more overtly than Fox does the GOP.
Edit: Hmmm. Ted Cruz just agreed to an AOC tweet.
Robinhood isn't holding their money, it's holding their stocks. These guys aren't alleging that Robinhood won't let them sell. In fact, I think Robinhood was letting them sell, but they don't want to sell in any event. They're trying to buy stocks, and all Robinhood is saying is "not through us."
He's done it before a couple times. Probably coincides with his molting schedule. Or it's just some perverse thing he uses to get himself off.
Lots of jokes about shorting RH now...
But if Robinhood is who you buy stocks with you have to deposit money into an account with them I would assume. (like I do with TD Ameritrade) You are arguing that they aren't preventing you from buying elsewhere but they are if my money is on hold with them in said account. I can't just take it out and spend it elsewhere in real time. (usually I don't use RH so I could be wrong)
This is not as black and white as you think it is. Whether that works in court is beyond me...the appearance of collusion won't help though.
The owner decided to tweet about it. Read the comments it did not go well
Yeah I kept seeing the stuff about RH’s IPO. Like, really? Now? After all this?I think you are wrong...but it might not matter because RH might not exist by then. It seems they have ticked off the Dude Bros bad enough that they are making it their mission to destroy RH over this. Many pulling their money out and going to other brokerages with their own clearinghouses.
The owner decided to tweet about it. Read the comments it did not go well:
edit: allowing "liited" action tomorrow makes it look shady as fcuk. They aren't even really hiding their game. Tomorrow is must see TV.
Also lots of jokes now that GME should buy RH because the RH IPO is going to crash hard.
SAC whined on twitter about getting static for bailing out Melvin in light of the RH block. These guys are probably more insulated from the way they are viewed in the real world than Dump. They seem genuinely dumbfounded that they are being greeted as anything but liberators.
I think from their trophy wives to their gold digging mistresses to their suck up clients to their equally clueless peers, Wall Streeters have no idea they are the most hated people in America. Not envied. Note feared. Despised. Considered a cancer to be contained and eradicated.
Ok, but again, let's work this through. Let's say you have $10,000 in cash sitting in a Robinhood account that you'd like to spend on GME.
I don't think Robinhood is stopping you from withdrawing your cash and taking it elsewhere.
Let's say your $10,000 is in stocks other than the reddit stocks. Again, Robinhood isn't preventing you from cashing out.
Let's say your stock is in GME. I don't believe Robinhood is preventing you from selling and cashing out.
What they are saying is, if you have cash in your account, or want to put cash in your account, that's fine, but we're not going to let you buy GME with it. That's what the lawsuit is about. They claim that they can't go onto Robinhoods site and make free trades to buy shares of GME. I don't think that states a claim.
The other thing that GME did as part of this is require them to have more equity in their account. A lot of these guys aren't just depositing $10,000 and buying $10,000 worth of shares. They are buying options, and I think that Robinhood is a little afraid about what happens when the net worth of these traders accounts tanks because suddenly these shares turn to crap.