Waiting for the Snow to fly...
What are the requirements to fit "harassment" in a situation like this?
This stuff is getting showcased often enough where someone will figure out how to turn the tables on Karen here.
So, private companies choosing not to run ads in conjunction with articles of a politically sensitive nature is suddenly "authoritarianism?"
As is Plutocracy. Plutocracy and Authoritarianism make a cute couple.
Nice Randian deflection. Corporations aligning with a right wing political ideology that also promotes racism, misogyny, and militarism is authoritarianism. In fact, it is textbook fascism.
Your sacred private sector is complicit, not neutral. They have a dog in this fight: to preserve the structure that enriches their owners by dividing and impoverishing their labor pool.
BTW, I love how for a certain ideology the adjective "private" absolves the noun that follows from any responsibilities or any moral standard other than a sociopathic will to power. Yeah, those days are over, brother. People woke up. We gave Uncle Milty's Neoliberal Paradise a 40-year chance and, just like we warned you back in 1977, it's an abattoir.
My god, it's like a wormhole to 2005 opened.
Dude, we're over it. Peddle it at the Federalist Society or something. The war's over. Dump dropped the Big One.
Kind of weird, though, that when private, commercial companies chose to keep their advertising dollars away from stories, sites or events with a conservative bent, that action avoided the keen detection capabilities of your "authoritarianism" sniffer.
Yeah, that's why Bernie ran circles around the field and handily won the Democratic nomination. ;-)
It ain't getting through the house. Not without UBI.