Cornell Big Red
Elmo has lost $200,000,000,000.
I think at last count that is about half his value...Bloomberg had an article basically mocking Musk and Zuckerberg (and many others) about their losses and how Billionaire Schadenfreude is everywhere these days. everywhere!
I wouldn't confuse what Bloomberg is doing as general billionaire schadenfreude. That's old money making fun of new money.
The day Bloomberg joins the proletariat is the day Bernie can retire.
Incidentally, as this "woke" green energy fad fades into the sunset, as it almost assuredly will, and the American auto companies see their sales crash, they'd better not come begging for yet another taxpayer bailout.
Well, considering NOTAM is Federal and not controlled by the airlines, not sure how the airlines were supposed to keep that running.
And NOTAM isn't "simple," as each notice contain different items of note for pilots. They range from "be aware of the big construction crane 100 yards from the taxiway," to "be aware that runway 18/36 is closed and has construction equipment on it," to "here's nine pages of instructions on the exact route to fly into the Oshkosh airport for EAA. Landing pattern starts in Lake Geneva, WI."
I mean...didn't we just pass an infrastructure plan that is supposed to beef that up? It isn't like we are going to overload the system tomorrow it will take years to have that kind of EV saturation in the marketplace.
As for the article...Stephen Moore said Sarah Palin would be the first female President. Nuff said!
I really hate how people (not just cons but mostly them) misuse "Woke".
It's Townhall FFS. What do you expect from Highlights for Hitler Youth?
Pension reform: All major French unions call for January 19 strike
For the first time in 12 years, all the major labor unions have called for a joint demonstration to prevent any increase in the minimum retirement age.
Good luck.
One would expect Europe to snap out of the bullsh-t faster and reject austerity harder than the neutered American electorate, but perhaps we can learn some lessons in how to turn back the Plutes and their brainwashed armies of useful idiot orcs.
Jacobin has a good piece this quarter on the Brahmin Left, describing the last sputtering demise of the feckless Harvard-Oxbridge Clinton-Blair liberals who allowed the Right to run the democratic world into the ground the last 40 years. They see some hopeful signs the authentic popular Left is making a comeback with the yutes, even -- gasp -- young white males.
If the Nazis lose them, they've lost the ballgame.
It's Townhall FFS. What do you expect from Highlights for Hitler Youth?
Seriously. Current-format BEV might not be the long-term solution, but the idea that moving off fossil fuels is a fad is absurd.