Deutsche Gopher Fan
Registered User
Free speech!
no, not like that!
no, not like that!
Free speech!
no, not like that!
This guy is melting down...
This guy is melting down...
This guy is melting down...
Haha holy ****.
tbis country is just a fucking joke. “Let’s boycott the companies who don’t want their ads next to the N word”
Rumor is Elon ran analysis to see how much code engineers had written in last year and stack ranked based on volume written.
if that’s true, he’s even dumber than trump
What is this, 1993? We're back to judging the performance of a software engineer based on total lines of code written? Does Musk have any concept of algorithm efficiency? Or is he such a willfully ignorant fuckboi that he doesn't know the difference between a bubble sort and an insertion sort?
Sounds like an incentive to start writing really inefficient, hard-to-read spaghetti code. Like, what if I start using a bunch of nested ifs instead of switch/case statements just to pad my stats? Not like fuckboi is gonna know the difference, apparently. Oh, I know, let's rewrite the Twitter API using SOAP instead of REST!
Rumor is Elon ran analysis to see how much code engineers had written in last year and stack ranked based on volume written.
if that’s true, he’s even dumber than trump
Where does IG fit?