There are ways around that. A close relative and I were talking to Tom Poti, during his freshman year at BU, and he told us LaCouture did not attend a single class. He sat in the room and played video games all day. But he dropped out of school right before finals first semester because his father had eye surgery. LaCouture must have gotten incompletes as grades, and was able to go back for second semester. He had the same routine second semester. Are you telling me that's believing the worst? Hearing from his own roommate? And Parker knew nothing about it?
Again, how is that turning a blind eye? If Parker sets his standards at the NCAA standards, and this wasn't against the NCAA rules, then what exactly did Parker turn a blind eye to? Turning a blind eye implies Parker ignored someone breaking a team or NCAA rule. It doesn't sound like that happened.
As a side note, Quinn seems to set his standards higher than the NCAA standard, and everyone who has seen the sheet of rules knows this. It also seems to me, though I don't have firm numbers to back this up, that more players are graduating in 3 years under Quinn than ever before.