UVM Cat in Texas
Now UVM Cat in Georgia
I agree. I believe it was her first game. Hopefully she gets better.And the announcing was not my taste. Turned the sound down and listened to Lenahan and Bernie on my phone.
I agree. I believe it was her first game. Hopefully she gets better.And the announcing was not my taste. Turned the sound down and listened to Lenahan and Bernie on my phone.
I agree. I believe it was her first game. Hopefully she gets better.
Meanwhile, we now live in a world where:
- a Senior Assistant Captain is just announced as "done for the year" without any additional details.
- The team's #1 goalie and Hobey worthy D-man miss a series against BC with no explanation as to why
- The team captain has been out for a month with no update or even "Upper body/lower body" disclosure on his injury
Death to Journalism. Love live journalism.
Not sure if I was the only one, but in addition to the audio dropping in the third, I could barely catch anything the color commentator was saying through the whole broadcast - he kept cutting out, so I would catch like every third word he said. Then just before it went away completely, her microphone seemed to start doing the same thing. So maybe they shut it off on purpose at that point. Then, with my sound cranked up on the TV (attached to the laptop) since the sound on these streams needs full blast for some reason, the arena sound kicked on and scared the living crap out of me.
I actually liked it when we could only hear the arena sound. Reminded me of being in the rink watching one of my sons games.
I agree that I would absolutely suck at doing play-by-play, so kudos to anyone that tries. But I did have to laugh every time she said "No Good" when a shot was saved. I guess she does basketball normally?
Yeah, I heard she is the women’s basketball PBP person. It was weird, thru the first and second, the audio was low and his mic was terrible. Kept cutting out like everyone said. Then, the start of the third, there was no audio at all, no crowd sound at all. So I started listening to Bernie on the internet radio. But it was not timed. They were about 30 seconds behind the play. Then all of a sudden the sound came back. Loud. But no play by play. Did they just give up because their mics were bad or something? Wonder if that will be fixed for tonight.
Meanwhile, we now live in a world where:
- a Senior Assistant Captain is just announced as "done for the year" without any additional details.
- The team's #1 goalie and Hobey worthy D-man miss a series against BC with no explanation as to why
- The team captain has been out for a month with no update or even "Upper body/lower body" disclosure on his injury
Death to Journalism. Love live journalism.
Does BU still have a world-class College of Communications?
The FreeP would have been all over this. Immediately. Is there a problem with one-and-done talent there?!?
As Bomber wrote, it does not need to be specific. But it needs to be something. And some idea should be given when they might be expected back.
Sorry Mookie, that is not asking for too much.
If Amonte is done for the year, does he get another redshirt year? Or is he done?
If Wise and Phillips are not going to play, are they going to redshirt?
Where is January's National Player of the Month? And the hotshot freshman goalie who had been getting better and better with each game, and looks to be the real deal?
Albie doesn't bite. If he doesn't want to answer a question, he is sharp enough to give an evasive amswer. But he at least needs to be asked.
Can someone from COM help the Boston Hockey Bloggers? 'What was your mindset on ...?' 'What were you feeling on ...?' Those are crutches, not questions.
Be real journalists, not fanboys and fangirls.
Terrier Nation is counting on you!
I got the 'Mack.
Anyone else wanna guess?
A trainer friend of mine at another hockey East school told me if you don’t see a player injured in the game and are out then assume they are in covid protocol. Schools vary in return to play protocol but BU has a lengthy one prior to a player returning. Big Ten I believe has 21 day minimum once positive test.
When players tested positive back in December, they shut down the program for a few weeks. At least four players, plus potentially DeBoer, and the team kept playing?
Ranked 11th in the poll.
Rumor on Twitter is that games this weekend will be against UConn. I'm assuming that since we are at mid-month, we may start seeing some one-off games midweek to help get the games played number up. Thoughts?
That's underselling them at this point. Should be higher. Probably significantly higher.