I think I've solved the issue of where the UP Regional should be held:
The Kenner Dome.
It's unfortunately close to Houghton, only about 7 miles north on the Houghton Canal Road. But, the Futile Four committee will be happy to note that there is only one all-weather road in, and as part of our bid, the local organizing committee is already arranging a rock slide. We'll dynamite a hole in the Portage Canal ice too, just to make sure no stray snowmobilers can get across.
As for the facility itself, we think the organizers will be exceptionally pleased to note that there is no actual seating at the Kenner Dome, as the lower wall of the rink
appears to be the boards themselves. Apologies for the picture taken during the summer time - Oskar Location, Michigan will undoubtedly receive the full brunt of 50 mph, -5 degree (-35 windchill) winds off the lake, and the dome itself will be well-nigh impossible to see against the snow drifts. The Kenner Dome Welcoming Committee also plans to remove the northern wall of the arena, just in case it became slightly too pleasant inside.
Catering will be provided by the guy who lives two trailers down the block, and will consist of year-old smoked carp and that one can of
Bosch he's been saving since 1973. It's a special occasion, after all.
All in all, we on the Kenner Dome Welcoming Committee believe we have an exceptional bid for an exceptional tournament. Just, send Michigan Tech far away. Please. And keep them there.