Are the cis okay?
the VWs will be in play, correct?
the VWs will be in play, correct?
I agree with Vizeroo's opinion of not including CC into this group. However I would have Arizona State in the field instead of Mercyhurst since they are close in the pairwise and we have enough Atlantic Hockey teams already.
Thus, based on the PWR and avoiding conference matchups, these would be the pairings:
Group 1
Niagara vs Arizona State
Lake Superior vs RIT
Group 2
Brown vs Maine
American International vs Alaska
Group 3
UMass vs Northern Michigan
RPI vs Ferris St
Group 4
Alaska Anchorage vs Michigan St
Alabama Huntsville vs Colgate
Now all we need are regional places to play...
Probably makes sense to have Group 4, which is composed of mostly western teams, to play in the aforementioned outdoor pond near Jackman, Maine, to minimize attendance. Ditto for Group 2, made up of mostly eastern teams, which should be sent to the Pontiac Dome to deal with the VWs. The Jackman, Maine, venue got me thinking about a pond in the Colorado Front Range, Chasm Lake, which lies at about 12,000 ft above sea level in a cirque on the east side of Longs Peak. Back in the day, locals from Estes Park hiked the 5 miles and 4000 vertical feet to Chasm Lake with their skates. The wind is so fierce in the cirque that snow is never a problem. I think that this site would be perfect for the Group 3 teams. We still need a venue for Group 1 teams.
Could I suggest a frozen waterfall somewhere in Alaska?
Like Ketchikan.
Nestled deep in the Tongass National Forest is a special sight only available by airplane or a lengthy backcountry hike. How does a frozen lake, natural dam and frozen waterfall sound to you? Sounds pretty freaking incredible to us!
The hike would be fitting, but the sight might be too beautiful and draw too many people. But then, everyone would be looking at nature instead of the game, so that would be right.
That's where they filmed Mystery, Alaska.
Not familiar with that.
Really, the best idea would be the frozen run-off of a septic system somewhere north of Denali, guaranteed to still be hard at this time of year. Non-descript location, requires a bush pilot to get the teams there. Only temp seating...maybe 150 folding chairs set up around the 'rink'
Are we ready for an international regional location? "Growing the game" by hosting a regional in Japan!
In that case, let's try Mexico.
Not familiar with that.
In that case, let's try Mexico.
We can have our Futile Four there.
We need one more regional site. I think Mexico would be a great place to have the Futile Four.
I have also been informed that NMU has been training to lose in round one on purpose. Our radio guy has agreed to be our "coach" for this game.
One of the Alaska sites would work, since all 4 teams in Group 1 would have to travel long distances.
If NMU loses round 1, they would be playing again in round 2, since the losers "advance".
We'll put group 1 in Denali at the Wastewater Filtration plant.
Also, I hear John Focke and Ashley Scharge, two of the worst PBP guys in NMU history, have agreed to work the radios for this event. They agreed to do it for a 30 of Natty.
Will radio coverage of the Futile Four event in Mexico compromise attendance? Assuming no radio broadcasts of regionals, right?
Once again, the USCHOHRPA will be providing "coverage" of this tournament. As per tradition, we will be using CW mode only, and will be broadcasting on bands that are generally dead at their respective time of day.
I work second shift, just got home, turned on the radio, and I think I can make out some scores:
Group 1
Niagara vs Arizona State- ASU 1- Niagara 4
Lake Superior vs RIT- LSSU 2- RIT 3
Group 2
Brown vs Maine- Brown 3- Maine 4
American International vs Alaska- AIC 0- Alaska 1
Group 3
UMass vs Northern Michigan- UMass 0-NMU 1 OT
RPI vs Ferris St- RPI 2- Ferris St 4
Group 4
Alaska Anchorage vs Michigan St- Sparty 0- UAA 2
Alabama Huntsville vs Colgate- Huntsville 2, Colgate 3
Regional Finals are set:
Group 1
AZ State vs. LSSU
Group 2
Brown vs. AIC
Group 3
UMass vs. RPI
Group 4
Michigan State vs. Alabama Huntsville
Depending on what time I get home tomorrow, scores will be posted right after I walk through the door.
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