Re: Boston University - 2017-2018 season - thread numero uno
While attendance is not near the 6200 capacity of Agganis or the median for the first few seasons after it opened, it is still mostly higher than the capacity of Walter Brown. However, keeping those new fans over the ensuring decade has been much harder than getting them in the first place.
100% agree w/ your retention assessment. IMO several factors have contributed to this:
- Decline in season ticket renewals due to any/all of these factors: product, time, cost
- Even amongst season ticket holders, I've noticed a growing trend of STH missing more games compared to years past, and not finding others to use their available tickets
Students (Part 1): Steep drop in student interest/knowledge in the program. The Dog Pound doesn't appear to be as organized even compared to a couple of years ago. There's also a noticeable drop in hockey knowledge among the current student fans. One of my big pet peeves with the current student fans is whenever they start cheering en masse when BU gains possession of the puck towards the offensive zone; it reminds me of what bandwagon BC and UMASS fans did whenever I went to games @ Conte and @ Mullins.
Students (Part 2): The student demographic at BU has shifted even since the start of this decade. BU is more competitive than ever academically and admissions-wise. I think one byproduct of that is that there are more students than ever at BU for whom college athletics is not a priority nor even an area of interest.
Recent Alumni: There seems to be an alarming lack of recent grads who attend games. Even many of the hard core Dog Pound members from just a few years ago are nowhere to be seen, including some whom I believe still live in greater Boston. I know some of this is also attributed to the seemingly mass exodus of BU grads to other parts of the country/world to start their careers or for grad school.
Arena Management: As
brassbonanza mentioned, arena security going to extremes in years past to curb the student fan experience. Not to mention the lack of proactive, creative marketing and outreach on campus, off-campus and online.
Scheduling: The front-loaded home schedule. 8 home games by the 1st week of November. 6 home games by the 1st week of November was the most BU has ever scheduled (2015-16); in most other years it's been anywhere between 2-5 home games by this point of the calendar. Too much too soon?
The "red flags" have been there the last couple of years, but the attendance decline this year has been precipitous. I'm sure it's been noticed by the players and coaches.