Do you really think BC or BU recruiting would suffer if they had to wait until a kid was 16 to talk to him? This whole concept of having to talk to kids when they are 13 or 14, much less garnering a commitment, is a farce.
If kids knew the above rule existed (no talk until 16), the amount of losses to MJ would be minimal and I would argue, schools would be better off because they would have much more sound recruits (as opposed to today when they have to deal with the volatility of kids committing early to them and switching to MJ.....because the commitment was hollow to begin - how could it be characterized any other way when it comes from a 14 year old???).
Anyone who puts any stock in a commit for someone coming in 2022 is delusional! But hey, it must be really cool for Charlie Leddy and Devin Kaplan to be able to wear their BC & BU gear to high school or middle school??!!