As a Manch resident, yesterday was embarrassing. PA volume, PA cutting out, PA announcer coordination with recordings and music, PA coordination with pep bands. All terrible. Ice and goal anchor conditions. Terrible. A friend remarked that the amount of visible yellow kick-board made it seem like they put the ice in Wednesday. The men's room queues were ridiculous. Nothing new for SNHUrena, I'm just getting old and impatient, but the bathrooms were also disgusting. Do y'all have a freaking mop? Jeez. The arena is showing its age, feels like a dump. Actually glad we are not on the future hosting schedule.
Our pre-game experience was also poor. The establishment was completely overwhelmed. One bartender, one waitress like they were expecting a typical Friday lunch. They were overwhelmed. The poor cook probably figured he'd be making a sandwich or two while concentrating on prep found himself with forty food orders. Fortunately we were in early and got out on time, but it was NOT a good experience. Nothing against the staff, they tried their best, were simply overwhelmed. Bad planning. Read the free local weekly paper people. Embarrassing.