Re: Big Ten Hockey Conference
Frankly I don't think putting it in Chicago would be the right thing for other reasons.
Detroit and MSP are major markets in their own rights. And every year we see the big tourneys show up in Indy or Chicago. Not saying we need to move those other sports so much as not force a sport that has zero recognition in those markets to land there just because they always get the tourneys. I don't mind Milwaukee or even Cleveland (both which would also have serious attendance problems)....but naw, unless either state gets a serious college hockey prospect Chicago or Indy don't deserve this one.
Frankly I don't think putting it in Chicago would be the right thing for other reasons.
Detroit and MSP are major markets in their own rights. And every year we see the big tourneys show up in Indy or Chicago. Not saying we need to move those other sports so much as not force a sport that has zero recognition in those markets to land there just because they always get the tourneys. I don't mind Milwaukee or even Cleveland (both which would also have serious attendance problems)....but naw, unless either state gets a serious college hockey prospect Chicago or Indy don't deserve this one.
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