A Biden loss would be a stain on America as a whole, because it would implicate the 40% of the country who ardently support Trump, the 5% who don't like him but go along with him for abortion/tax cuts/gun rights/whatever pet issue they have, every liberal third party voter who throws a hissy and doesn't vote to remove Trump, and the system as a whole given that Biden could win by 7 million votes and still lose the EC.
What it puts into stark relief is that the next time the Dems control both chambers of Congress and the Presidency, a bunch of things need to happen right away:
1) Kill the Senate fillibuster fully
2) Expand the house to at least 750 members, preferably 1000, to help offset the electoral college issues caused by the Senate representation (and provide better representation to boot)
3) Grant statehood to DC and Puerto Rico (and any other territories that want it - Guam, American Samoa, whoever).
4) Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act
5) Depending on how far gone the Courts have gotten, expand the judiciary at all levels by adding new positions.
All of those can be done by simple legislation without requiring constitutional amendments.