On the contrary I thought that was a moment that really mattered. The moments when Biden stopped repeating obviously rehearsed talking points and just connected were outstanding. We saw a human being with empathy being yelled at by a flaccid, tacky, infantile cyborg.
Another moment was when he said, "I don't want to talk about my family or his family, I want to talk about your family." Honestly if anyone actually could still be undecided I think that locked them up right there, and I think the takeaway from this is we start to see dominoes falling now: Dump and his Nazis become more outrageous and violent, the other 65% of America begins to calm down and rationally plan on taking out the trash.
I think this helped turn the corner, and even as Dump's threats of violence become more desperate squeals the rest of us will firmly eject him from office and into the arms of law enforcement.